血液中の癌関連タンパク質を1時間以内で検出可能な血液検査システムが開発される スタンフォード大学
スタンフォード大学によって,"MagArray biodetection chips(磁気アレイ式バイオ検出チップ)"に基づいたシステムが開発された.それは,血液中の癌関連タンパク質を1時間以内で検出可能な血液検査システムのプロトタイプが開発されたらしい.既存の市販製品よりもはるかにセンシティブであり,癌関連タンパク質を10倍から100倍の感度で検出可能であるとのこと.また,このデバイスは同時に複数の異なるタンパク質を検出可能とのこと.今回の研究結果は,PNAS(Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences;米国科学アカデミー紀要)で発表される.ただし,今回の研究はあくまで実証研究(proof-of-concept study)であり,まだ臨床試験等は行われていない.そのため,実用化はまだまだ先・・それどころか,今後どうなるかも分からない.しかしながら,非常に期待される研究であることは間違いない.癌の早期発見が可能になれば……癌で命を落とす確率は格段に下がるだろう.
血液中のがん性タンパク質を1時間以内に検出可能な装置、開発される - Slashdot
Stanford blood scanner detects even faint indicators of cancer - STANFORD NEWS SERVICE
The specialty of Wang's research group at Stanford is magnetic nanotechnology. Magnetism is rare in biological systems, so any magnetic signal in a blood serum sample stands out like a flare in the night sky. By tagging cancer proteins with tiny magnetic particles, rather than electrically charged or glowing particles as in other detectors, the new system can obtain a clearer signal from a smaller number of cancer proteins.
At the heart of the detector is a silicon chip, designed by the paper's lead author, Sebastian Osterfeld, a Stanford doctoral student in materials science and engineering. The chips have 64 embedded sensors that monitor for changes in nearby magnetic fields. Attached to these sensors are "capture antibodies," painstakingly selected by Heng Yu, formerly a postdoctoral fellow at the Stanford Genome Technology Center, and Richard Gaster, a student in a combined program of doctoral and medical degrees.
The sensor's "capture antibodies" grab specific cancer-related proteins as they float by and hold onto them. Then a second batch of antibodies is added to the mix. They latch onto magnetic nanoparticles as well as the cancer biomarkers that are being held captive by the sensors. Thus when the MagArray sensors detect the magnetic field of nanoparticles, they've found cancer markers as well.
Stanford blood scanner detects even faint indicators of cancer - STANFORD NEWS SERVICEより引用